The Household is a place where you can grow
I’m Tim, a yoga teacher and life coach. I blend coaching, yoga, breathing and meditation for a complete self-help solution.
If you are someone who has travelled and finding yourself in that unsettled place in-between, I can help you rebalance and find new direction.
I'm currently coaching, teaching classes, and offering one-on one yoga-informed coaching in Suva, Fiji. Feel free to contact me.
Why "The Household?
Indian tradition promotes four stages of life - ashrama. Each of these have their duties, responsibilities and spiritual practices, and lasts approximately 21-25 years, although need not be in a strict sequence. In the first - Brahmacharya (student) - we are learners of life and developing a foundation for the next stages. In the second - Grihasta (Householder) we are living in the world, working, raising a family, making a home etc. We aim to "live in the world, but not let the world live in us". Developing practices that can support our daily lives in the midst of worldly temptations. In the third - Vanaprasthya (Hermit) we begin to withdraw from the world, moving away, perhaps to the countryside, living a simpler life. In the fourth - Samnyasa (Renunciate) we withdraw from all involvement in the world and focus on self-realisation.
I aim to support householders: people living their everyday lives to develop a supportive practice that can help them experience a rich life in the present moment.